![Game #7920676 - Виталий Гасюк (Витэк) vs Sergej_Semenov (serg652008)](https://www.chess-online.com/fen.png?fen=rn2k1nr%2Fpbppbppp%2F1p2pq2%2F8%2F3PP3%2FP1N1BPP1%2F1PP4P%2FR2QKBNR+b+KQkq+-+2+9&size=4&&pset=alpha&sset=color-brown&who=1)
Tournament "Серия "Год Змеи". Турнир "Мудрый Каа". Секция 1500+: 1 раунд"
Виталий Гасюк (Витэк) and Sergej_Semenov (serg652008)
Game in-progress. The game started at 1/29/25, 12:18 PM
Rated game. According to the result of the game rating will be calculated
Time control: Daily - Турнирный 20 (can not be postponed)
Use computer hints: forbidden